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Sony Chairman Sorry For Personal Data Leak

posted onJune 28, 2011
by l33tdawg

Sony Corp. Chairman and President Howard Stringer on Tuesday apologized for the security breach in April that allowed hackers access to the personal data of over 100 million of its online customers.

At an annual shareholders' meeting in Tokyo, Stringer apologized for the worry and inconvenience to shareholders, customers and others caused by the hacking of Sony databases.

Sony sacked security staff prior to big breach

posted onJune 24, 2011
by l33tdawg

A lawsuit filed this week suggests that Sony sacked a bunch of employees from its network security division just two weeks before the company's servers were hacked and its customers' credit card details leaked.

The suit, which seeks class action status, is being brought by Felix Cortorreal, Jimmy Cortorreal, and Jacques Daoud Jr.  - all victims of the massive data breach that took place in April - "on behalf of themselves and all other similarly situated."

Hackers hit Sony Pictures France, grab 177K e-mails

posted onJune 21, 2011
by l33tdawg

Sony Pictures France is the latest Sony Web site to suffer at the hands of hackers. This time two hackers have claimed credit and say they copied more than 177,000 e-mails from the site.

The two hackers are identified as a Lebanese student called “Idahc” and “Auth3ntiq,” a friend of his from France. They claim to have exploited a SQL flaw to get the information. Idahc and Auth3ntic posted information about their feat, along with a sample of the e-mails they took, to the Web site

graf_chokolo: You'll Have to Kill Me to Silence Me Sony

posted onJune 19, 2011
by l33tdawg

People often ask what exactly Sony Corp. (6758) did to convince hackers groups like LulzSec and Anonymous to hack the company 19 times so far.  An answer may lie in cases like that of Alexander Egorenkov.

Mr. Egorenkov, a young German and associate of the team of German hardware hackers fail0verflow helped people jailbreak the PlayStation 3 by authoring the "Hypervisor Bible" [torrent] a guide to Sony's PS3 software protection layer.  Mr. Egorenkov, who goes by "graf_chokolo" online, says his goal was simply to allow people to make full use of the hardware they legally bought.

Sony Portugal latest to fall to hackers

posted onJune 9, 2011
by l33tdawg

The same Lebanese hacker who targeted Sony Europe on Friday has now dumped a database from Sony Portugal.

The hacker claims to be a grey hat, not a black hat, according to his post to

"I am not a black hat to dump all the database I am Grey hat"

Instead of dumping the entire database like many previous Sony attackers, idahc only dumped the email addresses from one table in Sony's database.

Sony Says It's Investigating Two New Possible Hacker Attacks

posted onJune 7, 2011
by l33tdawg

Sony Corp., targeted since April by hacker attacks that have compromised more than 100 million customer accounts, is investigating two new possible intrusions.

The company suspended its Brazilian music entertainment website while it looks into a possible breach, it said today. Sony also is investigating a hacker group's claim that it stole data related to the company's game operation.

LulzSec Hacks Sony Pictures, 1 Million Accounts Exposed

posted onJune 3, 2011
by l33tdawg

Just when it looks like Sony was finally recovering from the PlayStation Network hack, it happened again. This time, it wasn't PSN, but Sony Pictures: hackers may have compromised 1 million user accounts, stealing personal information including e-mail addresses and passwords, as well as street addresses, dates of birth, and more. On top of that, the hacker group posted a file containing information on 50,000 users.