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Seagate CEO Luczo departs from the Microsoft board

posted onMarch 21, 2014
by l33tdawg

The Microsoft board musical chairs are continuing, with Seagate Chairman and CEO Stephen Luczo announcing on March 20 that he is leaving the board to focus on his duties at Seagate.

While on the Microsoft board Luczo was on the compensation and audit committees and a member of the CEO search committee that ended up recommending Satya Nadella as Microsoft's new CEO. He has been on the Microsoft board for close to two years.

Seagate introduces a new drive interface: Ethernet

posted onOctober 28, 2013
by l33tdawg

It’s not time to say goodbye to the old storage network quite yet, but a new combination of cloud, networking, and storage technology might mark the beginning of the end for SANs—Seagate has introduced a new storage architecture that puts Ethernet directly on the disk drive.

Seagate to start shipping its thinnest hard drive yet

posted onJune 4, 2013
by l33tdawg

Seagate is gearing up to ship its thinnest hard drive yet, measuring in at 5mm thin.

The Laptop Ultrathin HDD is designed to be integrated into ultra-thin, lightweight mobile computing devices and tablets while promising high-capacity storage at an affordable price.

Seagate is aiming to frame the Laptop Ultrathin HDD as an affordable alternative to solid state drives by also touting the potential for longer battery life and support for more attachable storage solutions. The drive is designed to take up 25 percent less space than its previous generation 7mm counterpart.

Thai floods catapult Seagate into hard drive market lead

posted onMarch 1, 2012
by l33tdawg

Monsoonal flooding in Thailand last year helped Seagate Technology recapture the worldwide lead in hard disk drive shipments in the last quarter of 2011, according to a new report from IHS iSuppli.

Seagate passed former market leader Western Digital Corp., which suffered heavy losses in the devastating Thailand floods last year. Seagate claimed 38% of HDD market share, compared with Western Digital's 23%, according to the iSuppli report released today.