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40,000 credit cards stolen after porn sites popped

posted onMarch 12, 2012
by l33tdawg

Hackers claim to have stolen 40,000 plain text credit card from porn website Digital Playground.

The lifted details included names, CCV numbers and expiration dates.

Hackers from the group the Consortium say they also looted the personal information on 72,000 users. They said they rooted four of the site's servers which gave access to corporate emails. "We did not set out to destroy them, but they made it too enticing to resist," the hackers wrote on a defacement. "So now our humble crew leaves lulz and mayhem in our path."

Hacked Best Buy TV Displays Porn; Customers Complain

posted onFebruary 24, 2012
by l33tdawg

Usually a mainstream movie is shown on the television screens at Best Buy, but some customers were quite surprised during a visit to a Greenville, S.C., store.

A video did not play, but a pornographic image popped-up on one of their screens for several minutes. One customer described the image as “extremely, extremely pornographic.” Others said that several children saw the screens. Best Buy Corporate has apologized for the incident, placing the blame on hackers.

Porn app hides Trojan to target Android smartphones warns F-Secure

posted onJanuary 31, 2012
by l33tdawg

New malware targeting Android smartphones and mobile devices has been uncovered by F Secure.

The Trojan, which the security company has christened with the catchy name Trojan:Android/FakeRegSMS.B hides a PNG file that allows it to hijack a person's phone and send premium rate text messages.