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Vulnerabilities in Philips XPER medical management system uncovered

posted onJanuary 21, 2013
by l33tdawg

Researchers at security services firm Cylance Inc. uncovered a vulnerability in a Philips (NYSE:PHG) XPER medical management system, exploiting a security flaw to "own" the machine.

The weakness gave the hackers complete control of the machine, one which they had purchased for testing purposes, and gave them access to any devices subsequently connected to it, which may include patient data, they told reporters.

Philips: Data Published by Hackers Identical to the One Stolen in February

posted onAugust 21, 2012
by l33tdawg

Earlier today, security researcher Janne Ahlberg has brought to our attention the fact that the file published by r00tBeer hackers – allegedly stolen from the systems of electronics manufacturer Philips – is similar to the one posted online by Hax0r of Team INTRA back in February.

The expert found that the size of the file published now is exactly the same size as the one obtained by Team INTRA.

Philips electronics hit by hackers

posted onAugust 21, 2012
by l33tdawg

The new hacker collective "r00tbeersec" has struck again — and this time, it matters.

More than 350 passwords, full names and email addresses belonging to Italian customers of the Dutch consumer electronics giant Philips were posted online Monday. The Italians had apparently purchased Philips flat-screen TVs with interchangeable colored frames some years ago.