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Advancements to make wireless Web bearable

posted onMarch 22, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: CNN

As more people in the United States buy Internet-enabled cell phones and wireless handhelds, they find themselves bumping against the devices' limitations.

They can send and receive e-mail, but not attached files. Streaming audio and video are not yet possible. And wireless Web-surfing is mostly wasted time.

Drive-By Hacking With A Can Shows Huge Security Problems

posted onMarch 9, 2002
by hitbsecnews

An experiment carried out in London, UK, has shown just how bad security of wireless networks is among commercial companies there. Using a can to make an antenna, drive by hackers found over 60 wireless networks in companies that are in no way secure, in only 30 minutes. Other studies have shown around 67% of companies do not even have simple security processes in place.

Security companies say "Many companies are going out and buying a wireless access point to see what it can do. The problem is that they have opened a great big back door into their network."

Wireless Authentication Gateway HOWTO

posted onMarch 1, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: Linux Security

There are many concerns with the security of wireless networks and public access areas such as libraries or dormitories. These concerns are not met with current security implementations. A work around has been proposed by using an authentication gateway. This gateway addresses the security concerns by forcing the user to authenticate in order to use the network.

Free Cisco router security tool released

posted onFebruary 22, 2002
by hitbsecnews

A FREE SOFTWARE-ANALYSIS tool and benchmark guidelines to help make widely-used Cisco Systems routers more secure from hacker attacks and other vulnerabilities were released Wednesday by a consortium of security groups.

In a Webcast, the nonprofit SANS Institute and the Center for Internet Security joined the National Security Agency (NSA) to announce the availability of security guidelines and the security testing and configuration guidance tool.

Info World

Microsoft freeware checks for Windows security holes

posted onFebruary 22, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: IDG

Microsoft Corp. this week made available a freeware vulnerability-assessment tool for Windows desktops and servers.

The tool, called Baseline Security Analyzer, runs locally on a PC and allows network administrators to determine whether their NT 4.0, Windows 2000 or XP desktops and servers are missing software patches for security holes or are improperly configured.

Mass ICQ 'hack' baffles world+dog

posted onFebruary 22, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: The Register

We have received evidence which suggests a mass hack of ICQ has taken place - but neither AOL or security experts can come up with an explanation .

A Register reader discovered last week that both of his accounts had suddenly become disconnected and the passwords no longer work. The email addresses for both accounts were changed to ''.

Tripod account hijack risk patched

posted onFebruary 22, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: The Register

Lycos has patched a gaping security hole with its Tripod homepage service which would have allowed crackers to bypass authentication checks and control a victim's homepage.

Security consultants Interrorem discovered it was possible to hijack a user's account by manipulating a URL string.