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Bush wants cheap high-speed Internet access for all by 2007

posted onMarch 28, 2004
by hitbsecnews

l33tdawg: That's if he makes it through to next term ;)

President Bush on Friday urged that affordable high-speed Internet access known as broadband be available to all Americans by 2007.

"We ought to have universal, affordable access to broadband technology by the year 2007," Bush said in a speech focusing mostly on homeownership. "And then we ought to make sure that as soon as possible thereafter consumers have plenty of choices..."

Network Protocol Stack & TCP hacking

posted onMarch 4, 2004
by hitbsecnews

The network protocol stack, which forms the carrier and pipeline of data from one host to another is designed in such a way that we can interact with different layers at desired level. This article is a small attempt to describe the movement of data through these stacked layers and at the end we will try to implement a linux kernel module which helps us to capture the data flowing out to TCP layer and display it. I think to talk about all those really basic network communication is not necessary here. So I will straight away talk about the implementation of TCP/IP communication.

DoS attack blamed for Internet outage

posted onNovember 28, 2003
by hitbsecnews

A denial of service attack on security website Zonelabs has been blamed for major disruption of the Internet over the past couple of days.
According to an anonymous NTL employee's posting on, the DoS attack was launched from 'someone in Eastern Europe': 'NTL was used as a stepping-stone from which an attack on Zonelabs was launched. BT and Pipex were also affected, although not as badly, it would appear.'

Damaged undersea cable blamed for UK Net problems

posted onNovember 27, 2003
by hitbsecnews

A damaged undersea transatlantic cable is being blamed for causing havoc for Net and phone users in the UK last night.

A number of ISPs are understood to have been hit by the problem, which surfaced (the problem, not the cable) yesterday afternoon at around 4pm.

The cable - which is owned by a consortium of telcos - is believed to have hit a snag (figuratively speaking, of course) somewhere off the French coast. France Telecom, which is responsible for that section of cable, is sending a boat out to examine the damage.

'Infranet'- Juniper's promise of a secure net

posted onOctober 19, 2003
by hitbsecnews

Juniper Networks Inc. unveiled a sweeping blueprint for a future communications grid that would be as global as the Internet but with the security of private networks run by many companies to protect trade secrets and secure transactions.

Calling its vision of that next-generation system an "infranet," Juniper called on other network equipment vendors and telecommunications companies to work together on joint standards that would allow development work to begin.

Sun gives glimpse of revised Solaris TCP/IP stack

posted onOctober 17, 2003
by hitbsecnews

Sun Microsystems' new Software Express program is alive and kicking with the company delivering a rewritten TCP/IP stack for Solaris that is meant to prepare customers for faster networking technology.

New Internet speed record set

posted onOctober 16, 2003
by hitbsecnews

Two major scientific research centres said on Wednesday they had set a new world speed record for sending data across the Internet, equivalent to transferring a full-length DVD film in seven seconds.

The European Organisation for Nuclear Research, CERN, said the feat, doubling the previous top speed, was achieved in a nearly 30-minute transmission over 7,000 kms of network between Geneva and a partner body in California.

Juggling with packets: floating data storage

posted onOctober 10, 2003
by hitbsecnews

Most of us, the authors of this paper, have attempted to juggle with
three or more apples, oranges, or other fragile ballistic objects.
The effect is usually rather pathetic, but most adept juggler padawans
sooner or later learn to do it without inflicting excessive collateral