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Internet providers defend traffic management

posted onFebruary 27, 2009
by hitbsecnews

Internet service providers like AT&T are making greater efforts to manage traffic on their networks as they seek ways to avoid congestion caused by bandwidth-hogging services like video, industry officials said on Thursday.

Time Warner Cable users impacted by DDoS attack

posted onFebruary 27, 2009
by hitbsecnews

When users of Time Warner Cable systems report issues concerning slow broadband performance affecting a wide region, they've been happy to see prompt responses from JeffTWC -- one Jeff Simmermon, who's the company's New York-based Director of Digital Communication. In recent days, though, Simmermon's Twitter feed has been exploding with complaints.

As it turned out, there's a serious reason for concern, as Simmermon explained in a longer-than-Twitter post late yesterday: Time Warner Cable systems are the apparent target of an orchestrated denial-of-service attack.

Verisign will support DNS security in 2011

posted onFebruary 26, 2009
by hitbsecnews

VeriSign has promised to deploy DNS Security Extensions – known as DNSSEC – across all of its top-level domains within two years.

"VeriSign is moving forward with the implementation of DNSSEC across all of the Top Level Domains that we operate," VeriSign said in a statement to Network World. ".com will most likely be the last TLD to adopt DNSSEC due to the size of the zone. We anticipate full implementation of DNSSEC to be complete across all TLDs in approximately 24 months."

Faulty router stalls internet traffic

posted onFebruary 17, 2009
by hitbsecnews

A misconfigured router caused a huge slowdown in internet traffic on Monday. The slowdown, which effected worldwide internet access on Monday morning and afternoon, was down to problems with overly long global BGP (Border Gateway Routing) autonomous system (AS) numbers.

Several readers have reported difficulty in reaching parts of the Internet today. The source of the problem appears to be with AS 47868 causing AS paths to become too long,” said Marcus H. Sachs, director of the SANS Internet Storm Center.

Porn feud spawns new DNS attack

posted onFebruary 6, 2009
by hitbsecnews

A pornographic website has taken down a rival by exploiting a previously unknown quirk in the Internet's Domain Name System. DNS Amplification, the type of attack used in this instance, has been used sporadically since December. But it started being talked about last month when ISPrime, a small New York Internet service provider, was hit hard with what's known as a distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack.

Cisco warns of network overload

posted onJanuary 29, 2009
by hitbsecnews

The rapid growth of rich media in the personal and enterprise arenas means that IT networks need to evolve if they are to cope with the growing deluge of information.

David Hsieh, vice president of emerging technology at Cisco, said that media such as video cannot offer the predictability around quality of service because of the way networks are currently architected. Hsieh predicted the emergence of a 'medianet' optimised for handling resource-heavy content by understanding the type of data and its content, and adapting accordingly.

Deja Vu All Over Again: Cables Cut in the Mediterranean

posted onDecember 22, 2008
by hitbsecnews

The end of the year is approaching which seems to be a harbinger of Internet disasters. Four years ago (on 24 Dec. 2004), TTNet significantly disrupted Internet traffic by leaking over 100,000 networks that were globally routed for about an hour. Two years ago (on 26 Dec. 2006), large earthquakes hit the Luzon Strait, south of Taiwan, severing several underwater cables and wreaking havoc on communications in the region. Last year there was a small delay. On 30 Jan.

UK gets 50Mbps broadband service

posted onDecember 16, 2008
by hitbsecnews

Virgin Media has launched a 50Mbps cable broadband service in the UK. The service costs £51-per-month (approx AU$117) and, according to Virgin, will be available to all of its 12 million customers towards the end of 2009. Virgin Media's previous top speed was 20Mbps.

BBC hit by a DDoS attack

posted onNovember 11, 2008
by hitbsecnews

ALL BBC WEB services including its most useful iPlayer were subjected to a DDoS attack last night.

According to a missive we have seen, all its sites were slowed down considerably last night. For a while the BBC home page was either not responding or opening extremely slowly.

Top 5 reasons to fight government ISP filtering

posted onNovember 4, 2008
by hitbsecnews

As trials continue ahead of the introduction of mandatory ISP filtering sometime early in 2009, it's becoming clearer that the entire scheme is an ill-thought-out attempt for left-wing Labor to suck up to right-wing politicians. Here's six reasons why the concept is stupid and hopefully doomed to failure.