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Home Network Security

posted onJuly 11, 2001
by hitbsecnews

This document gives home users an overview of the security risks and countermeasures associated with Internet connectivity, especially in the context of ?always-on? or broadband access services (such as cable modems and DSL). However, much of the content is also relevant to traditional dial-up users (users who connect to the Internet using a modem).


Information system security and physical security belong together

posted onJuly 10, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Most companies wouldn't think of putting information security, physical security and facilities into one unit. Yet 12 years ago, Eduard Telders made combining the management of these units a condition of his employment at Pemco Financial Services in Seattle.Now, Telders says he knows of a dozen or so Fortune 500 companies, including Microsoft Corp., that have put physical and technical security management together as a single function. And at both Microsoft and Pemco, the position was handed to a technical security manager, not the physical security manager.

Outsourcing to Managed Security Companies Leave Networks Vulnerable

posted onJuly 10, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Companies are increasingly turning over the keys to their e-businesses to security professionals, who often lack the expertise or personnel to operate them safely. Hiring security providers to protect corporate networks and the critical data those networks contain is a growing trend, but the companies providing such services are unregulated and not subject to industry certification.

Big Ugly Security - How to make security less annoying

posted onJuly 10, 2001
by hitbsecnews

No wonder we have security problems. For decades, we've treated security as an afterthought, an add-on, a kludge. First we design the business system. Then we assemble the technology and build the applications and string the wires. And then - because it's a checkoff item we have to complete before the big bosses will sign off on the project - we throw in some security. That's how we've done it for 40 years, since the days when IT system security meant adding a good lock on the mainframe room's door.

Top 10 Stupid Security Mistakes that dumb users make

posted onJuly 10, 2001
by hitbsecnews

People regularly lock their houses, demand airbags in their vehicles and install smoke alarms in their homes. But put them in front of a computer, and you'd think the word security was magically erased from their brains. People are more careless with computers than perhaps any other thing of value in their lives.

NSA finally releases its guidelines on securing Win2K & Cisco routers

posted onJuly 9, 2001
by hitbsecnews

US spook site,, has finally re-released its guidelines on securing Windows 2000 and added hints on protecting Cisco routers from hackers. The files were removed from the site a couple of weeks ago after servers struggled to cope with high demand generated by an industry interested in the US Government's security policies.

Cybercrime Skyrockets, Say Security Reports

posted onJuly 9, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Cybercops say computer crime incidents more than doubled last year, creating a virtual crime wave across computer systems all over the world.
More than 21,000 incidents, up from nearly 10,000 in 1999, were reported in 2000 to Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute, which tracks online criminal activity in the United States and helps victims. This year's first quarter saw more than 7000 reported incidents.