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Samsung is China's top smartphone maker

posted onMarch 13, 2012
by l33tdawg

Samsung has been crowned the most popular smartphone producer in China according to analysts at research firm Gartner. The Korean manufacturer beat others such as Nokia, Huawei, ZTE and Apple to clinch the title and now boasts an impressive 24.3% market share in China. 

Meanwhile, while Apple's iPhone 4S is apparently the most desired handset in China, it's limited availability with carriers has played its part in Samsung's achievement.  

'Honey Stick' Project Tracks Fate of Lost Smartphones

posted onMarch 13, 2012
by l33tdawg

The Honey Stick Project (HSP) is a research project created by Security Perspectives Inc. It's designed to measure the decisions of real people and simulate threats and risks to information in a mobile environment. The original purpose of the HSP was to determine the percentage of people who do not realize that it can be very dangerous to insert unknown devices into their computer systems, and who take potentially risky actions when forced to make those kinds of decisions.

Startup Mobilisafe Tackling BYOD With Mobile Risk Management

posted onMarch 6, 2012
by l33tdawg

Seattle-based startup Mobilisafe is still in stealth mode, but the company recently peeked out to talk, in general terms, about how it addresses IT challenges stemming from the bring your own device (BYOD) trend.

Last November, Mobilisafe launched a private beta of its as yet unnamed mobile risk management product, which analyzes mobile devices that are connecting to a company's network. Gathering user data in the intervening months has enabled Mobilisafe to identify BYOD usage trends it deems relevant to SMBs.

Corporates struggle to secure employee mobile devices

posted onJanuary 19, 2012
by l33tdawg

The number of employee-owned mobile devices used on corporate networks continues its inexorable rise despite yawning and known gaps in security, a Check Point survey has found.

The questioning of 768 IT executives in the US, UK, Canada, Germany and Japan for The Impact of Mobile Devices on Information Security found that two thirds allow the use of personal mobile devices while at work, a marked increase on two years ago.

Spam with QR code targets mobile users

posted onJanuary 12, 2012
by l33tdawg

Researchers have revealed a new type of spam campaign that appears to be a test run to find out how mobile users will respond to social engineering attempts on their smartphones and tablets.

According to a Tuesday blog post from security firm Websense, the emails look like typical spam trying to hawk male enhancement drugs. However, in this case, they contain a link to a legitimate site -- -- that generates quick response (QR) codes for URLs.

F-Secure introduces mobile security offering with parental control

posted onNovember 29, 2011
by l33tdawg


F-Secure has released its latest version Mobile Security 7.5, a security offering for mobile devices to provide improved security and parental control capabilities on Android devices to meet the mobile security concerns with young people using smartphones.

F-Secure's anti-virus technologies will be complemented with new cloud-based services that provide immediate information on whether a mobile application is considered safe to install which provides comprehensive protection against spying programs and the full range of other mobile threats.