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Mega users: If you're hacked once, you're hacked for life

posted onJanuary 21, 2013
by l33tdawg

Kim Dotcom's launch of Mega has touted the big tagline of being bigger, better, faster, stronger, and safer, but while Dotcom promises 128 bits of AES encryption and the use of 2048 bits of RSA public/private key infrastructure, I'm not too convinced about the last aspect of his sell: the safety.

Face to face with Kim Dotcom as he launches Mega, talks about Megakey and the future of free content

posted onJanuary 21, 2013
by l33tdawg

If there’s one place that you want to be for the launch of, it’s within Kim Dotcom’s mansion. That’s precisely where I’ve been today. Sure we knew that Dotcom was larger than life, but actually being at the mansion is a different story. Elaborate statues and expensive pieces of art, giant kitchen sized fish tanks and sprawling pools. It’s an incredible sight.

Mega-Launch: A fake FBI raid, dancing girls - oh, and human rights!

posted onJanuary 21, 2013
by l33tdawg

Kim Dotcom may see himself as being at war with Hollywood, but the man has quite a sense of theatrics himself. The show he put on for the world tonight at his mansion outside Auckland was audacious and loud, featuring a Maori-themed musical performance by Tiki Taane, a raid re-enactment complete with helicopters marked "FBI," and dancing girls clad in military-style dress (but with miniskirts). That's how Dotcom announced his new service, Mega, to the world.

Kim Dotcom's New Domain Seized before its launch

posted onNovember 8, 2012
by l33tdawg

Kim Dotcom is still fighting a legal battle in New Zealand against the United States over alleged copyright infringement and piracy.

Kim Dotcom's upcoming Mega website has had its domain name seized by the African nation of Gabon, with a government minister saying his country will not be used as a base for copyright infringement.

MPAA warns against giving Megaupload users access to their own data

posted onOctober 31, 2012
by l33tdawg

 Hollywood's lobbyists are a bit alarmed at the possibility that Megaupload users may be getting their data back.

The Motion Picture Association of America told a federal judge in Virginia today that any decision to allow users of the embattled file locker to access their own files could "compound the massive infringing conduct already at issue in this criminal litigation." Megaupload's servers with approximately 25 petabytes of data are currently unplugged, offline, and in storage at Dulles, Va.-based Carpathia Hosting.

Innocent Megaupload user asks court to release secret raid documents

posted onOctober 23, 2012
by l33tdawg

Kyle Goodwin, the Ohio videographer who was chosen by the Electronic Frontier Foundation as a representative of innocent Megaupload users, has asked a Virginia federal judge to unseal search warrants and other documents related to the January raid on Megaupload's Virginia servers. In a brief filed on Goodwin's behalf, EFF argues Goodwin needs access to the documents to make his case for the return of his property. The civil liberties group also contends that the public has a right to know how the raid was conducted.

Megaupload server seizures finally run into mega-due-process

posted onOctober 5, 2012
by l33tdawg

When Megaupload's servers were grabbed by the government earlier this year, plenty of non-infringing content was taken along with pirated files. Kyle Goodwin, an Ohio man who makes his living taping high-school sports events, stepped forward to be the poster-boy for users who became "collateral damage" when they lost access to their legitimate files stored on Megaupload.

New Zealand PM orders inquiry into wiretapping in Megaupload case

posted onSeptember 24, 2012
by l33tdawg

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key has ordered an inquiry into the Government Communications Security Bureau (the country’s equivalent of the FBI) concerning the wiretapping of individuals in the Megaupload case. It is believed that the GCSB acted unlawfully while helping police locate some targets leading up to the raid on Dotcom’s mansion earlier this year.

According to a report from the Prime Minister’s office, the GCSB allegedly acquired communications without prior approval from necessary authorities in some instances.