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Tweet Your Way to a #HITB2013KUL VIP Ticket and USD1337 for travel

posted onOctober 2, 2013
by l33tdawg

If you want to attend the upcoming Hack in the Box conference in Malaysia (HITB2013KUL), but you can't afford it, here’s your chance to win a VIP ticket and money to cover travel costs.

All you need to do is follow @HITBSecConf on Twitter, and post a link to the contest webpage with the #HITB1337Giveaway and #HITB2013KUL hashtags. For example: “This is my entry to the #HITB1337Giveaway! Please help me RT and win USD1337 AND a VIP ticket to #HITB2013KUL!

Aircraft hacking and more on #HITB2013KUL conference agenda

posted onOctober 2, 2013
by l33tdawg

Imagine seizing an airplane's controls in mid-flight or faking the positions of ships out on the open sea.

Sounds like an elaborate movie plot, right? Not to those coming for the 11th Hack In The Box Security Conference in Kuala Lumpur in mid-October who'll find out about future security attacks that can lead to nightmare situations.

Mozilla @ HITBSecConf #HackWEEKDAY 2013

posted onOctober 1, 2013
by l33tdawg

Mozilla is proud to be once again sponsoring HackWeekDay at the Hack-in-the-Box security conference in Malaysia in October. The event is a chance for developers – both students and professional – to come together and prototype new apps and features for Firefox OS – security-related or otherwise. We want to build on the already strong community in the region and encourage the open-source community to support the future of the mobile web.

Mozilla, Facebook and Microsoft hunt for best developers in 24-hour hackathon at #HITB2013KUL

posted onSeptember 27, 2013
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: Got code kungf00? Register here:  First come, first serve and COMPLETELY FREE!

This October, developers from around the globe have an opportunity to showcase their coding skills to an international audience at the HackWEEKDAY hackathon here in Kuala Lumpur.

Is your status update also a red flag for danger?

posted onSeptember 25, 2013
by l33tdawg

In this digital age when our whole lives are online, it is no surprise that security has become an increasing concern of many. Whilst you're busy worrying about your privacy settings on Facebook and whether your boss is able to see your status updates, there are more pressing issues at hand. Your social media profile that you so religiously update daily with your latest purchases and your check-ins to fancy restaurants makes you a perfect target for cyber criminals.

Bigger, better #HackWEEKDAY at this year's HITBSecConf

posted onSeptember 24, 2013
by l33tdawg

IF you know about the annual HITB Security Conference or HITBSecConf, then you probably know that at the end of every successful conference, the Hack In The Box (HITB) team will already be thinking about how to elevate the next event with better talks, bigger shows and stronger battles.

iOS 7 security flaws uncovered as new iPhones released

posted onSeptember 20, 2013
by l33tdawg

Security flaws have been uncovered in Apple's new iOS 7 software, just a day after its release.

A thief who steals an iPhone or iPad running the new software would be able to exploit the flaw and disable the Find my iPhone feature, used by owners and police to track down stolen Apple devices, even if the thief does not have the password for the device.