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iPhone hacker dream team edges closer to iOS 6 jailbreak

posted onOctober 15, 2012
by l33tdawg

A trio known for their prowess in hacking Apple’s iPhone software indicated on Thursday they may be edging closer to breaking the improved security measures in iOS6.

The hackers, who spoke at the Hack in the Box security conference in Kuala Lumpur, are famous for “jailbreaking” the iPhone’s software, the term for using combinations of exploits to allow the installation of unauthorized software. Apple dislikes the practice, which is legal in the U.S. but can void warranties for modified devices.

Hacker wins $60,000 prize for breaking into Google Chrome

posted onOctober 15, 2012
by l33tdawg

Hack into Google Chrome, and you could win $60,000, at least if you do it through Google's Pwnium 2 competition.

That's just what happened to a hacker dubbed Pinkie Pie, who won the award on Tuesday by exploiting a security hole in Chrome. In an effort to shore up its browser's defenses, Google holds the competition to challenge hackers to hack their way through Chrome's security to find previously unknown holes. Tuesday's Pwnium 2 contest was held at the Hack in the Box 2012 event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

iOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak Discussed in #HITB2012KUL iOS Panel

posted onOctober 15, 2012
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: The FULL HD video recording of the panel and all other #HITB2012KUL talks will be released on the HITB YouTube Channel in early November.

If you are an iOS 6 untethered jailbreak hopeful wondering what developments are taking place in that arena, the live stream of Hack in the Box's iOS panel discussion, featuring well known jailbreak developers @MuscleNerd, @pod2g, @planetbeing and @mdowd, is the stream you need to watch.(Stream recording posted below)

#HITB2012KUL: Google bounty, and surprises in store

posted onOctober 15, 2012
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: Yes, this happened last week, so we're a little late in publishing this news, but hey - better late than never :)

Tomorrow in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, groundbreaking security conference Hack In The Box is set to open its doors to an estimated 1000+ attendees - in the same place it launched ten years of security conference controversy, hacking headlines, and an era of epic exploits and disruption.

Pirate Bay founders tracked down after brief disappearance

posted onOctober 15, 2012
by l33tdawg

 Gottfrid Svartholm Warg isn't the only foudning member of file-sharing website The Pirate Bay to find himself on the wrong side of international law. Expected to speak at the Hack in the Box conference in Kuala Lumpur this week, Warg's cohorts Peter "brokep" Sunde nor Fredrik "tiamo" Neij failed to attend the event, despite being billed as keynote speakers. Following a short and frantic search it emerged that neither man had been arrested or gone off the grid but a combination of illness and legal advice had prevented them from leaving their native Sweden.

Hack In The Box: researcher reveals ease of Huawei router access

posted onOctober 15, 2012
by l33tdawg

Researcher Felix "FX" Lindner has just revealed to attendees of his talk at security conference Hack In The Box how easy it is to gain access to Huawei routers and telco equipment, spelling out how backdoor access is not necessary if an attacker wants to get in and access traffic that runs through them.

He told the packed room in Kuala Lumpur, "I don't know if there are backdoors - but it doesn't matter since there are so many vulnerabilities."

Google patches $60k Chrome hole in 10 hours

posted onOctober 15, 2012
by l33tdawg

Google has fixed a hole in its Chrome browser that earned a white hat hacker $60,000 at the recent Pwnium 2 hacking contest.

The company released the fix for the vulnerability on Wednesday, around 10 hours after it was revealed at the Pwnium competition at 'Hack in the Box 2012' contest in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Tuesday. The hacker — who goes by the name of 'pinkie pie' — found the vulnerability in the browser by combining two separate exploits, and netted a cool $60,000 for his discovery, as well as a free Chromebook.

Hack in the Box kicks off jam-packed #HITB2012KUL security conference

posted onOctober 8, 2012
by l33tdawg

Hack in the Box will host its 10th security conference this week in Kuala Lumpur featuring an all-star cast of hacking luminaries and a cutting-edge program.

The lengthy speakers list includes John Draper aka "Captain Crunch," who famously used a whistle from a cereal box to access long-distance switching networks in the early 1970s, as well as Peter Sunde and Fredrik Neij, two founders of the torrent search engine The Pirate Bay.

Charlie Miller: To NFC or not to NFC #HITB2012KUL

posted onOctober 8, 2012
by l33tdawg

CHARLIE Miller, a principal research consultant for Accuvant Labs set a lot of tongues wagging at the Black Hat cybersecurity conference earlier this year.
His presentation involved demonstrating how Near Field Communications (NFC) features in mobile phones opened up new venues for hackers to gain control over the device.