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Napster to Gut System this Weekend

posted onMarch 3, 2001
by hitbsecnews

In an effort to stay alive in the wake of Friday's hearing that could shut Napster down, Napster Attorney David Boies announced to the judge that the service will install a filtering system by this weekend to block the distribution of music that is protected by copyright. Full report is here.

SonicBlue Releases Rio Car In-Dash MP3 Player

posted onMarch 1, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Last October when SonicBlue purchased the British company Empeg Ltd. they acquired the first production MP3 player for the dashboard to be released. Sonic Blue announced yesterday the shipment of the Rio Car, their version of the removable in-dash digital audio player with models ranging from 10GB to 60GB of storage.

Full story is here.

Court expected to shut Napster down March 2nd.

posted onFebruary 27, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Napster faces a shutdown again, but this one may stick. They have another appeal running. If it does not come through this will become the final Napster marathon week. If you have some trades to make, make 'em now. Check out the full story here.

We Test Drive the Audio ReQuest MP3 Rack Player

posted onFebruary 24, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Audiophiles are not just those creatures who spend a fortune on rack systems just to get the truest sound from their speakers. Many times they are just fans of music with a sizable CD collection and a good stereo. The open availability of digital music on Napster has caused their personal music collection to blossom into a couple of GB's worth of songs.

So it seems perfectly natural that they would want to incorporate this music into their stereo system with something big enough to hold the entire collection and more.

Napster Makes $1 Billion Settlement Offer

posted onFebruary 22, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Napster Inc. offered $1 billion to the recording industry to settle a copyright infringement lawsuit. The industry immediately refused that offer as not enough. Check out the whole story here.

Patel Appoints Napster Mediator…Possibly Too Late.

posted onFebruary 20, 2001
by hitbsecnews

One can't blame the judge for wanting this matter settled. This is not only a highly publicized case, but one that stretches the limits of present day copyright law...But, attempts at a fair mediation may falter due to the music industry's big win in the higher court last week that can shut down Napster without need to negotiate.


here for the full story

Download an mp3 ... go to jail?

posted onFebruary 19, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Saw this over at SNN

It appears as though police in Belgium are arresting Napster users. According to the local prosecutors' office, police raided the homes of several alleged music file swappers in an effort to locate evidence their action infringed on copyright rules. The raids are reportedly in response to complaints from the music industry. Given recent court rulings, the US may not be far behind on this one which by all accounts is pretty scary.

Europe Passes 'Napster' Law

posted onFebruary 16, 2001
by hitbsecnews

The new law is a victory for the music industry, but there is an element to it that may - just may - work in Napster's favor... Check out the full story here.