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Google begins penalizing search 'over-optimization'

posted onApril 26, 2012
by l33tdawg

Google is making a change to its search algorithm to penalize what the company's head of Web spam called "over-optimization" and instead favor websites with high-quality content and less refined search-engine optimization. 

Google announced Tuesday that a change in its search algorithm will punish sites that violate the company's "existing quality guidelines" and is intended to reward those "making great sites for users, not just algorithms." The change will go live over the next few days, the company said.

How to download your data from Google and Facebook

posted onApril 23, 2012
by l33tdawg

Want to find out how much data Google and Facebook have on you? I did so for my own accounts – many seven or more years old – and across different places, there was a phenomenal amount. Here's how to get the same information on yourself.  

Any company based in the EU is obliged to give users all data it holds on them if requested. Google's EU-based subsidiaries don't process any user data, and so avoid this requirement, but for anyone outside the US and Canada, Facebook's Irish office holds masses of data.

IT departments should worry about Google Drive

posted onApril 21, 2012
by l33tdawg

Google Drive is poised to give IT departments yet another headache to deal with.  

Drive, the name of Google's data-syncing cloud storage service that's rumored to launch sometime next week, will likely offer many of the features of popular storage apps such as Dropbox and Box, including 5GB of free storage with upgrades of up to 100GB of storage for users willing to pay for service.

Applying for scholarships? Google yourself first.

posted onApril 20, 2012
by l33tdawg

It is not only potential employers that are using the Internet to find information about you that isn’t stated on your resume or application. More frequently, organisations that offer scholarships are venturing online to do background checks on their applicants. 

What they uncover, either the professional LinkedIn profile or public Facebook photos of you on your last tequila-filled escapade, can be the deciding factor between whether you are awarded a scholarship or not.

Oracle vs. Google: Who owns the Java APIs?

posted onApril 20, 2012
by l33tdawg

What if you owned the copyright on the French language? Or Swahili? That's essentially the claim Oracle is making when it says it owns the copyright to the Java language and its associated APIs. If Oracle gets its way, it could change software development forever. 

The issue looks to be decided in the lawsuit between Oracle and Google, which began with testimony in a San Francisco courtroom this week. The trial is expected to last up to 10 weeks.