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Do video games cause violence? Feds want more research

posted onJune 5, 2013
by l33tdawg

 Scientists and psychologists for years have debated whether there's a connection between video games and real-world violence. Do video games refine hand-eye coordination and spur creativity -- or instead turn you into a sociopath? That question has been raised to a fever pitch following national tragedies such as the one in Newtown, Conn.

DoS Attack Forces EVE Online Offline

posted onJune 3, 2013
by l33tdawg

At 02:05 GMT June 2nd, CCP became aware of a significant and sustained distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) against the Tranquility cluster (which houses EVE Online and DUST 514) and web servers.

Our policy in such cases is to mobilize a taskforce of internal and external experts to evaluate the situation. At 03:07 GMT, that group concluded that our best course of action was to go completely offline while we put in place mitigation plans.

SimCity, One Month Out: Still As Troubled As Day One?

posted onApril 25, 2013
by l33tdawg

Tom's Hardware's Community Manager, Joe Pishgar, eagerly anticipated the launch of SimCity. Now, a month later, he has something to say about EA's handling of the day-one issues and the continued problems plaguing a game he wanted so much to enjoy.

Most gamers who weren’t snookered in by the alluring siren call of pre-order goodies on SimCity saw what happened during the title's launch and smartly said “I’ll wait.” One month out, the verdict is in. Keep waiting.

AMD details $999 Radeon HD 7990 graphics card

posted onApril 24, 2013
by l33tdawg

We've seen plenty of the Radeon HD 7990 in action with Battlefield 4, but it's taken AMD a little while to furnish us with full specs and pricing. Now that all the info is here, in the run-up to commercial availability in two week's time, it's finally possible to judge the pros and cons of what is arguably a very niche product. Read on past the break and we'll do just that.

Patent troll Lodsys sues 10 mobile game makers, despite Apple's intervention

posted onApril 8, 2013
by l33tdawg

Lodsys got attention back in 2011 when it went after small app developers, demanding about one half-percent (.0575 percent, to be exact) of their revenue if they use in-app purchases. By May of that year, Apple intervened in the legal action, arguing that since it had already licensed the Lodsys patents, developers should be protected.

Hackers breach The War Z personal-info databases

posted onApril 3, 2013
by l33tdawg

Beleaguered open-world zombie shooter The War Z is in more trouble as publisher OP Productions admits hackers exposed players’ personal information.

In response to the attack, OP Productions shut down The War Z’s servers and its message boards. In an open letter, the publisher confirmed that the hackers gained access to user email addresses and passwords. Payment information, such as credit-card numbers, remain secure with a third-party company.

From OP Productions’ letter:

British Hackers Target Falklands Computer Game

posted onApril 2, 2013
by l33tdawg

A new front has been opened in the long-running dispute over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, after UK hackers attacked an online game in which Argentine special forces battle British 'terrorists' for control of the islands.

On Monday 24 March,, a company based in Rosario, Argentina, launched a version of the popular online game Counter Strike based in the Falklands. The company claims it has already been downloaded 15,000 times.

Mozilla, Epic bring Unreal engine to the web

posted onMarch 28, 2013
by l33tdawg

Mozilla, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting openness, innovation and opportunity on the Web, is advancing the Web as the platform for high-end game development. With Mozilla’s latest innovations in JavaScript, game developers and publishers can now take advantage of fast performance that rivals native while leveraging scale of the Web, without the additional costs associated with third-party plugins. This allows them to distribute visually stunning and performance intensive games to billions of people more easily and cost effectively than before.