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Google researchers find remote execution bug in FireEye appliances

posted onDecember 16, 2015
by l33tdawg

Google researchers found a software flaw in several models of FireEye's security appliances that they say could give a cyberattacker full access to a company's network.

It's not unheard of to find security flaws in security software, but the latest discovery highlights once again how no technology is immune to such problems.

FireEye explains their new security operating system release and the drawbacks of signature based defences

posted onApril 8, 2014
by l33tdawg

FireEye Inc have announced their latest security release which aims to bolster email threat protection and operational readiness.

Greg Day, VP and CTO of FireEye explains the background behind the FireEye Inc. company, their operating system and the security concerns their latest release hopes to address.

FireEye's $1B Mandiant Buyout: Is the Price Too High or Too Low?

posted onJanuary 6, 2014
by l33tdawg

When you understand that you can't stop all attacks, but you can detect and remediate them before they do serious harm, the value proposition of Mandiant becomes apparent.

Security is one of the great market segments of the technology world as it's not typically driven by seasonality or cyclical demands. Security needs are constant and evolving. Simply put, no enterprise on the planet can afford not to invest continuously in security—for fear of being attacked and embarrassed in a public breach.