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Diablo 3 Barbarian God-Mode Exploit Found

posted onJuly 25, 2012
by l33tdawg

A Diablo 3 God mode exploit for the Barbarian class has been discovered. The bug's been found only a day after users found and abused a similar bug that made Wizards completely invulnerable. The Wizard God-mode exploit took Blizzard almost an entire day to fix, and players were even live streaming their experiences of taking out some of the hardest content the game had to offer without even breaking a sweat, or the bank, for once.

Diablo 3 Auction House exploit allowing users to buy anything for next to nothing

posted onJuly 16, 2012
by l33tdawg

Now before we begin on this news bit, we understand that the exploit has been around for more than a day. With an unscheduled maintenance already taken place over the last few hours and with many facing horrible lag to the server at this moment, the reason for all this is due to Blizzard trying to fix a seemingly simple exploit that allows hackers to buy items on the Auction House for almost next to nothing.

The concept to the exploit is quite simply grandma-nodding-simple; buying an item at its bidding price instead of the buyout price.

Blizzard Responds To Diablo 3 Session Spoofing, Says Public Games Are Safe

posted onJune 7, 2012
by l33tdawg

Confined to a forum thread, a Blizzard staff representative responded to the article we recently ran about the dangers of joining a public game in Diablo III. According to Blizzard, public games are safe. Session spoofing is "technologically impossible" and authenticators are the best bet to safety.