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Coca-Cola hacked by Chinese and kept it a secret

posted onNovember 6, 2012
by l33tdawg

"I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company"... it's the real thing, according to an old musical slogan, and it was the real thing when Coca-Cola was targeted by Chinese hackers in 2009. Once upon a time, Coca-Cola wanted "perfect harmony" and even cokes for everyone in the world, including polar bears and penguins, but that meant sharing soft drinks and not company secrets. After China infiltrated Coca-Cola systems, the company kept it a secret instead of singing about the breach to the world, according to a Bloomberg report.

China goes from zero to 200 million 3G users in only three years

posted onOctober 25, 2012
by l33tdawg

China's 3G development continues to grow apace, with the number of local users climbing past the 200-million mark as of September this year.

Sina Tech, citing statistics from the country's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), reported Wednesday the subscriber base grew from 192.5 million in August to 202.6 million in September.

China reports rise in online attacks

posted onOctober 16, 2012
by l33tdawg

According to the China National Computer Network Emergency Response Center (CNCNERC), between January and June this year, nearly 7.8 billion computers and 27,900 IP addresses were hacked from the United States.  The CNCNERC are claiming that Anonymous is behind the majority of the attacks.  Anonymous is adding to the claim by announcing that it plans to bring down the websites of five major corporations. 

Rise In U.S. Hacker Attacks Against China

posted onOctober 15, 2012
by l33tdawg

News last week that a U.S. government report alleged Chinese telecom companies were likely spying on U.S. firms comes at a time when Chinese companies are getting hacked into like never before.  Including from computer systems in the U.S.

Now China has joined the chorus of countries saying the internet is no longer safe.

Chinese hackers steal files from SCADA maker

posted onSeptember 26, 2012
by l33tdawg

A company whose software and services are used to remotely administer and monitor large sections of the energy industry began warning customers last week that it is investigating a sophisticated hacker attack spanning its operations in the United States, Canada and Spain. Experts say digital fingerprints left behind by attackers point to a Chinese hacking group tied to repeated cyber-espionage campaigns against key Western interests.

Apple supplier Foxconn confirms worker riot at Taiyun factory

posted onSeptember 24, 2012
by l33tdawg

Foxconn, a contract manufacturer to Apple, closed a northern China factory for the day following an early Monday riot that, according to the company, began as a fight between workers. Details remain scarce.

The company said several people were injured and sent to the hospital after the incident, and that some were also detained by police. The factory in question employees about 79,000 workers.

Tibet Trojan attacks connected to Chinese programmer

posted onSeptember 17, 2012
by l33tdawg

Security firm AlienVault thinks it has identified a key Chinese programmer with connections to the Chinese Government who could be behind a long-running malware assault on pro-Tibet campaigners, including with the recent PlugX RAT Trojan.

It’s extremely rare that security companies are able to put a name and a face to specific pieces of malware so the connection it stumbled upon when researching PlugX could attract some attention.

Foreign jounralists in China hit with malicious emails

posted onSeptember 17, 2012
by l33tdawg

Foreign journalists in Beijing have been targeted by two very similar malware attacks in just over two weeks in the lead-up to China's once-in-a-decade leadership transition.

The emails - one appearing to come from a Beijing-based foreign correspondent and the other from a Washington-based think tank - both contained an attachment with the same type of malware, according to independent cyber security expert Greg Walton who reviewed the files.

Samsung accused of labor violations in China

posted onSeptember 5, 2012
by l33tdawg

"Serious legal violations and labor abuses" have been found at Samsung factories, according to a U.S.-based labor group.

The organization, China Labor Watch, released a report on Wednesday detailing its investigations into eight factories in China, six of which were directly operated by Samsung, two of which made products for the electronics company but were run by suppliers.