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Brazilian Hacker Hits 14 NASA Websites

posted onSeptember 17, 2013
by l33tdawg

Starting last Tuesday, 14 subdomains of NASA went down.

One of them, dedicated to the Kepler mission that searches for habitable exoplanets, had an announcement posted that read, "Down for Maintenance: The requested webpage is down for maintenance. Please try again later."

Brazil allegedly targeted by NSA spying, demands explanation from United States

posted onJuly 8, 2013
by l33tdawg

Earlier today, a report in Brazil's daily Globo newspaper claimed that the National Security Agency has been spying on electronic communications and telephone calls originating from the country for the past decade. The Globo story was co-authored by The Guardian's Glenn Greenwald — the journalist who first broke news of sophisticated (and highly classified) US surveillance programs with the help of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

Millions of DSL modems hacked in Brazil

posted onOctober 2, 2012
by l33tdawg

More than 4.5 million DSL modems have been compromised as part of a sustained hacking campaign in Brazil, with the devices spreading malware and malicious web address redirects.

The attacks focused on a vulnerability in modem firmware that was largely ignored by users and the security community, security vendor Kaspersky said, allowing attackers to enter modem configuration settings and change the DNS server used to browse the internet.

Hackers Attack Website of Brazil's Itau; May Try Other Banks

posted onJanuary 31, 2012
by l33tdawg

Hackers from the Anonymous Movement group fought out a day-long attack against websites of Brazil's Banco Itau SA on Monday, shutting down service on several occasions, and threatened more action during the week.

"Attention sailors: target hit! The is sinking! TANGO DOWN!" the group proclaimed via Twitter and on Facebook, under the AnonBRNews feed.