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Survey shows that large number of people are DUMB about viruses

posted onAugust 30, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Over one-fifth of home and office personal computer (PC) users using e-mail have knowingly opened an unknown e- mail attachment out of sheer curiosity, exposing themselves and others to e- mail borne viruses, according to a survey conducted by Central Command. The survey, titled 'Are You Practicing Safe Computing', was e-mailed to over a 750,000 PC users worldwide and explored individual's computer security settings and behaviours with known computer security vulnerabilities. With a 12 per cent response rate, the survey represents a cross-section of PC users that exist today.

Expert: Code Red is here to stay

posted onAugust 25, 2001
by hitbsecnews

A new permutation of the Code Red II worm was discovered on Friday, and one expert says that Code Red is now unlikely ever to disappear.

The new variant has been dubbed CodeRed.d, and exploits the same Index Server flaw in Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS) software as the initial Code Red. According to Roger Thompson, technical director of malicious code research at antivirus firm TruSecure, who detected the variant, the appearance of a new worm indicates that we are stuck with the Code Red problem "forever."

Anti-virus software should be top priority

posted onAugust 22, 2001
by hitbsecnews

The first sign of a problem surfaced when a window popped up on my computer screen. It told me I had a computer virus lurking in one of my e-mails.

I can't repeat what blurted out of my mouth.

But just the thought of a virus sent chills running up my spine.

Fortunately, I had Norton Anti-Virus software working in my computer. The software identified the virus and wouldn't let it activate in my computer.

I simply deleted the e-mail. End of problem - or so I thought.

Virus Alert : Don't click DPLAYSVR.exe that comes with JOSIE.DOC

posted onJuly 31, 2001
by hitbsecnews

The virus W32.Magistr.24876@mm has found yet another lame trick to spread its files using yet another stupid socially engineered message.

The subject line says "What I was... " and the body of the message says "Think it would be somewhat easier to get some friends of mine to see this movie with me. "C'mon guys, Rachel Liegh Cook is in it! My buddies just give me this wierd look like I just asked them to go to a birthday party at Chucky Cheese's.....".

Indepth analysis of The Spread of the Code-Red Worm (CRv2)

posted onJuly 27, 2001
by hitbsecnews

On July 19, 2001 more than 359,000 computers were infected with the Code-Red (CRv2) worm in less than 14 hours. At the peak of the infection frenzy, more than 2,000 new hosts were infected each minute. 43% of all infected hosts were in the United States, while 11% originated in Korea followed by 5% in China and 4% in Taiwan.

Thank You SirCam, May I Have Another? - Secrets are out there !

posted onJuly 26, 2001
by hitbsecnews

The SirCam worm/virus combo has now been asking your "advice" for almost a week. But even when it infects an FBI computer, it's not getting any more dangerous - just more embarrassing. Proving that even professionals can spread computer diseases, a researcher in the FBI's online security unit accidentally helped send SirCam across the globe on Tuesday.

NIPC feels SirCam Worm's Bite

posted onJuly 25, 2001
by hitbsecnews

An e-mail worm sweeping the Internet has infected at least one computer in the FBI's National Infrastructure
Protection Center.

Messages containing the SirCam worm were sent from an account of a NIPC special agent this morning to
several private-sector security professionals, including the operators of the Safemode defacement archive.

News Headlines galore on the spread of the Red Alert Worm

posted onJuly 20, 2001
by hitbsecnews

The stories on the spread of the Red Alert worm are taking up most of the headlines on the major news wire services. Here is a sampling of all the articles that you can click on to read that were released just this morning. I expect this number will quadruple as the day goes on and the media start flooding the world with Red Alert stories...

Sophos Issues Six-Month Summary of Worldwide Virus Activity

posted onJuly 19, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Sophos, a world leader in corporate anti-virus solutions, today announced that it has detected and protected against 6,127 new viruses in the first six months of 2001. In the same period, calls to Sophos's customer helpdesk suggested that those viruses which demanded the most media attention, were not necessarily those causing the biggest problem.

Analysis of the .ida 'Code Red' Worm -- from Bugtraq

posted onJuly 18, 2001
by hitbsecnews

The following information was researched by Ryan Permeh ( and
Marc Maiffret ( of eEye Digital Security.
We would like to specially thank Matthew Asham of Left Coast Systems Corp
and Ken Eichman of Chemical Abstracts Service for providing us with logs and
needed data to make this analysis possible.Introduction