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Yarner worm threatens German inboxes

posted onFebruary 21, 2002
by hitbsecnews


A new mass-mailing worm is wreaking havoc for German Microsoft users, pretending to be an official message from popular German anti-virus site Trojaner-Info.

Called Yarner the worm deletes all files in a victim's C: drive, before attempting to mail itself to everyone in the victim's Outlook address book.

Malicious 'newsletter' virus hits users

posted onFebruary 20, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: Vnunet

Antivirus (AV) firms are warning of a "highly dangerous" virus that disguises itself as a newsletter from a popular German AV site. There have been reports of mass infections in Germany caused by the malicious code.
The 'Yarner' virus disguises itself as the AV program YAW, arriving as an attachment to an official looking message purporting to be from AV website The email contains the subject line: 'Trojaner-Info Newsletter [infected computer's current date]'.

Viruses find way round server-based protection

posted onFebruary 18, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: CW360

E-mail viruses can circumvent server-based antivirus protection and attack users of certain Microsoft e-mail clients when part of the malicious code is hidden in the header of an e-mail message, according to a security expert.

MSN Messenger Worm Entices the Unwary

posted onFebruary 16, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: SecurityFocus

A relatively benign but effective Internet worm attacked users of Microsoft's MSN Messenger service Wednesday by exploiting a bug in Internet Explorer that was reported last year, but was only recently patched by Microsoft.

Valentine's Day virus massacre

posted onFebruary 13, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: Vnunet

With Valentine's Day almost upon us, computer users are being warned about the dangers of recurring socially engineered viruses.
Some of the most successful viruses over the last couple of years have used the promise of love to get users to set off the damaging electronic payload.

Fans should 'weep' over Linux lapses

posted onFebruary 11, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Following the furore earlier this week over which operating system, Linux or Windows, suffered more security vulnerabilities throughout 2001, Linux site set about comparing the vulnerabilities suffered by different Linux distros in 2001. Needless to say, the results were quite interesting, even prompting the Linux site to warn: "Anybody who is proud of Linux's security should have a good look and weep - it is a very long list."

Don't give your lover a nasty virus this Valentine's

posted onFebruary 8, 2002
by hitbsecnews


Lovestruck computer users are being encouraged to ditch technology this Valentine's day in favour of flowers, in a bid to cut down on viruses transmitted by e-cards.

The message comes from anti virus vendor Sophos, which has warned computer users to be on the lookout for viruses masquerading as e-cards in the run up to Valentine's Day.

Apple spams users with virus

posted onFebruary 7, 2002
by hitbsecnews


Apple's Swedish headquarters has sent out an infamous email virus to its customers and resellers.

Apple intended to send out a promotional screensaver yesterday via email to several hundred users and re-sellers, but the email file, entitled, turned out to contain the X97M.Laroux.gen macro virus.

BadTrans still top of the virus charts

posted onFebruary 2, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: Ananova

Virus experts are saying BadTrans.B is still the most dangerous computer virus around.

It tops Kaspersky Labs' top 20 virus run-down for January, months after its debut.

The email-propagating virus has several malicious traits, including installing a program that records victims' keystrokes.


posted onJanuary 29, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: Trend Micro

Similar to WORM_MYPARTY.A, this variant copies itself to C:RecycledREGCTRL.EXE in Windows 9x. In Windows NT it copies itself to C:REGCTRL.EXE and drops a file named msstask.exe in %windows%profile%username%Start MenuProgramsStartup

It also drops the following file which is only visible in MS-DOS prompt: C:RECYCLERF--- (This is the actual file) Or C:RECYCLEDF---> (This is the actual file)