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Watch Streaming TV with StreamTorrent

posted onJune 16, 2009
by hitbsecnews

Looking for a way to watch premium sports and entertainment television on your PC? Today we look at StreamTorrent, which is a free tool for streaming to unlimited users with serverless peer to peer technology.

There are hundreds of different channels to check out from around the world, some of which are premium cable such as HBO. If you’re a sports fan you will enjoy watching ESPN, Fox Sports 2, Sky Sports and several others.

Net gives pirate radio the last laugh

posted onJune 8, 2009
by hitbsecnews

YOU are chilling out to your favourite songs on your car radio, only to have them drowned out by an appalling, fuzzy din you didn't tune into. It happens all too often in cities, where legitimate stations in the FM band lose out to pirate stations playing their own brands of music alongside brash nightlife advertising.

And this hijacking of the airwaves won't change any time soon, thanks to the internet.

Sony Agrees to Provide Its Older Songs to eMusic

posted onJune 1, 2009
by hitbsecnews

In another example of struggling major music labels and Internet services finding common ground, Sony Music Entertainment has agreed to make its back catalog of songs available on eMusic, one of the largest music retailers on the Web.

EMusic, a company based in New York City, has some 400,000 subscribers who pay a monthly fee to download a certain number of songs. Its service is primarily aimed at adults who are fans of music from independent labels.

Film industry seeks online 'speed humps' to thwart internet piracy

posted onJune 1, 2009
by hitbsecnews

The UK film and television industry is calling on the government to introduce online "speed humps" that would slow down or restrict the broadband access of people who illegally share copyrighted material, and slap pop-up warnings on websites to stem the rising tide of internet piracy.

Bringing Live Twittering to the Screen

posted onMay 30, 2009
by hitbsecnews

While Twitter is working hard to dispel rumors that they'll be making a reality Twitter TV show, Verizon engineers have been working hard combining Twitter with their FiOS TV.

Hulu Releases Desktop Version of Video Site

posted onMay 28, 2009
by hitbsecnews

Web browser TV watching not doing it for you? Hulu on Thursday introduced a downloadable desktop version of its video Web site.

Hulu Desktop provides access to Hulu content for a "rich, full-screen" video watching experience, Hulu said in a blog post. The offering is available on Windows and Mac – but not on Linux – and can be controlled via mouse, keyboard, or any six-button PC or Mac remote control.

Attackers Add Curses to YouTube Comments

posted onMay 28, 2009
by hitbsecnews

Hackers and malware authors mastered the art of using social networking and Web 2.0 applications for purposes of ill-refute some time ago, but as with any breed of cyber-attack, when they've found a solid avenue to market, the criminals continue to hammer the same methods years after they've been discovered as users remain well behind the security research community in adjusting their habits to account for the ploys.

Twitter to develop reality TV series

posted onMay 25, 2009
by hitbsecnews

If scientists got the correlation models together, I wonder if they would find a blisteringly harmonious relationship between those who loathe reality TV and those who loathe Twitter. Critics of the microblogging service declare that, like reality TV, tweets are just mindless ego-fodder being released on the masses by the second.

Prank leaves YouTube facing porn cleanup

posted onMay 24, 2009
by hitbsecnews

A spokesman for the video-sharing Web site YouTube, based in California, says a prank has left the site with scores of pornographic videos.

The unidentified spokesman said hackers placed thousands of pornographic videos on the Web site by misleadingly tagging the adult videos with the names of popular musical acts, The Daily Telegraph (Britain) said Friday. Among the musical acts whose names were used in the online prank were Disney performers Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers.

Aussies cram 2,000 movies onto single DVD

posted onMay 21, 2009
by hitbsecnews

Last month, GE revealed that its research scientists had discovered a way, using holographic technology, to store 100 DVDs worth of information on a single standard DVD. What a difference a few weeks make.

In what can only be seen as a "serving" (or pwning) of the GE researchers, the B-Boys researchers at the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, have gone way past 100 and on to 2,000.