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Dear Asus router user: You've been pwned

posted onFebruary 17, 2014
by l33tdawg

An Ars reader by the name of Jerry got a nasty surprise as he was browsing the contents of his external hard drive over the weekend—a mysterious text file warning him that he had been hacked thanks to a critical vulnerability in the Asus router he used to access the drive from various locations on his local network.

ASUS Italy defaced - Accounts leaked

posted onSeptember 25, 2012
by l33tdawg

A hacker who goes by the handle of Maxney and is apart of Turkish Ajan Hacker Group has contacted us with information and data from an Italian based Asus website.

The site was hacked and left defaced, thousands of accounts have been leaked as well as its complete database. This is not the first time Maxney has targeted big corporations,m with Siemens and Dominos being hacked in recent weeks as well.