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Artificial Intelligence

Researchers upend AI status quo by eliminating matrix multiplication in LLMs

posted onJune 27, 2024
by l33tdawg
Credit: Arstechnica

Researchers claim to have developed a new way to run AI language models more efficiently by eliminating matrix multiplication from the process. This fundamentally redesigns neural network operations that are currently accelerated by GPU chips. The findings, detailed in a recent preprint paper from researchers at the University of California Santa Cruz, UC Davis, LuxiTech, and Soochow University, could have deep implications for the environmental impact and operational costs of AI systems.

Can a technology called RAG keep AI models from making stuff up?

posted onJune 7, 2024
by l33tdawg
Credit: Arstechnica

We’ve been living through the generative AI boom for nearly a year and a half now, following the late 2022 release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. But despite transformative effects on companies’ share prices, generative AI tools powered by large language models (LLMs) still have major drawbacks that have kept them from being as useful as many would like them to be. Retrieval augmented generation, or RAG, aims to fix some of those drawbacks.

Tech giants form AI group to counter Nvidia with new interconnect standard

posted onMay 31, 2024
by l33tdawg
Credit: Arstechnica

On Thursday, several major tech companies, including Google, Intel, Microsoft, Meta, AMD, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Cisco, and Broadcom, announced the formation of the Ultra Accelerator Link (UALink) Promoter Group to develop a new interconnect standard for AI accelerator chips in data centers. The group aims to create an alternative to Nvidia's proprietary NVLink interconnect technology, which links together multiple servers that power today's AI applications like ChatGPT.

Japanese police arrest man after computer viruses created by misusing AI

posted onMay 28, 2024
by l33tdawg
Credit: Wikipedia

The Metropolitan Police Department on May 28 arrested a man on suspicion of creating a computer virus using interactive generative artificial intelligence in a potential ransomware threat to companies.

It is rare for police to make an arrest in a case involving a computer virus created using generative AI tools.

Scarlett Johansson Says OpenAI Ripped Off Her Voice for ChatGPT

posted onMay 21, 2024
by l33tdawg
Credit: Wired

Last week OpenAI revealed a new conversational interface for ChatGPT with an expressive, synthetic voice strikingly similar to that of the AI assistant played by Scarlett Johansson in the sci-fi movie Her—only to suddenly disable the new voice over the weekend.

Disarmingly lifelike: ChatGPT-4o

posted onMay 14, 2024
by l33tdawg
Credit: Arstechnica

At this point, anyone with even a passing interest in AI is very familiar with the process of typing out messages to a chatbot and getting back long streams of text in response. Today's announcement of ChatGPT-4o—which lets users converse with a chatbot using real-time audio and video—might seem like a mere lateral evolution of that basic interaction model.

Email reveals Microsoft's rushed decision to invest in OpenAI

posted onMay 2, 2024
by l33tdawg
Credit: Arstechnica

In mid-June 2019, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and CEO Satya Nadella received a rude awakening in an email warning that Google had officially gotten too far ahead on AI and that Microsoft may never catch up without investing in OpenAI.

With the subject line "Thoughts on OpenAI," the email came from Microsoft's chief technology officer, Kevin Scott, who is also the company’s executive vice president of AI. In it, Scott said that he was "very, very worried" that he had made "a mistake" by dismissing Google's initial AI efforts as a "game-playing stunt."

Apple releases eight small AI language models aimed at on-device use

posted onApril 26, 2024
by l33tdawg
Credit: Arstechnica

In the world of AI, what might be called "small language models" have been growing in popularity recently because they can be run on a local device instead of requiring data center-grade computers in the cloud. On Wednesday, Apple introduced a set of tiny source-available AI language models called OpenELM that are small enough to run directly on a smartphone. They're mostly proof-of-concept research models for now, but they could form the basis of future on-device AI offerings from Apple.

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