Singapore spotlights OT security, unveils security roadmap focusing on infrastructure

Singapore is setting up a panel comprising global experts to offer advice on safeguarding its operational technology (OT) systems and has unveiled the country's latest cybersecurity blueprint, focusing on digital infrastructures and cyber activities. It also is hoping to rope in other Asean nations to recognise a Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme (CLS) that rates the level of security for smart devices, such as home routers and smart home hubs.
Singapore's latest cybersecurity masterplan builds on its 2016 cybersecurity strategy and looks to boost the "general level of cybersecurity" for its population and businesses. It focuses on the need to secure the country's core digital infrastructure and cyberspace activities, as well as drive the adoption of cyber hygiene practices amongst its connected citizens.
Launched by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat at this year's Singapore International Cyber Week, held online, the new blueprint was essential in combating the high volume of day-to-day cyber threats faced by people and businesses.