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Malware redirecting visitors found on 2,000 WordPress sites

posted onJanuary 22, 2020
by l33tdawg
Credit: Wikipedia

More than 2,000 WordPress sites have been infected with malicious JavaScript that redirects visitors to scam websites and sets the stage for additional malware to be downloaded at a later time.

The Sucuri team said access is gained to WordPress sites through plugin vulnerabilities, including Simple Fields and CP Contact Form with PayPal. A large uptick in this activity was picked up during the third week of January.

Once inside a WordPress site the JS redirects visitors at first to four malicious sites, gotosecond2[.]com, adsformarket[.]com, admarketlocation[.]com, and admarketresearch[.]xyz. Next the URL statistic[.]admarketlocation[.]com/clockwork?&se_referrer= or track[.]admarketresearch[.]xyz/?track&se_referrer= is loaded onto the compromised site which delivers the final malicious JS payload.




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