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You may be happy about Microsoft's adoption of Chromium, but Mozilla thinks it is bad for competition

posted onDecember 10, 2018
by l33tdawg
Beta News
Credit: Beta News

After the rumors, confirmation came from Microsoft that it plans to move its Edge browser from the EdgeHTML engine to Chromium. Reaction from users has been largely positive, but it's not the same story across the technology industry as a whole.

While Google is understandably happy about the change, the CEO of Mozilla, Chris Beard, says it is bad for competition and will help to make Google even more powerful.

In a blog post written in response to the news about moving away from EdgeHTML, Beard says that, "by adopting Chromium, Microsoft hands over control of even more of online life to Google". He denies that he is being melodramatic with this claim because, he explains, Chromium is one of the ways in which Google controls what we are able to see online.



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