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To Detect Bombs Efficiently and Cheaply, Try Using Wi-Fi

posted onAugust 16, 2018
by l33tdawg
Credit: Wired

You probably use Wi-Fi on the regular to connect your smartphone, computer, or other electronic device to the glory of the world wide web. But soon, that same technology could also keep you safe in real-life public areas.

According to a peer-reviewed study led by researchers from Rutgers University-New Brunswick, ordinary Wi-Fi can effectively and cheaply detect weapons, bombs, or explosive chemicals contained within bags.

The study earned the researchers a best paper award at the 2018 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security, which focused solely on cybersecurity. According to the researchers’ paper, most dangerous objects contain metals or liquids. Those materials interfere with Wi-Fi signals in a way that researchers can detect. And the baggage a person might use to contain a bomb, weapon, or explosive device is typically made of materials — paper or fiber, often — through which Wi-Fi signals pass easily.



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