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Skills That a ‘Next-Level’ Pentester Should Have

posted onJuly 25, 2018
by l33tdawg
Threat Post
Credit: Threat Post

The field of penetration testing has grown rapidly since the United States Department of Defense’s Tiger Teams first emerged on the computer scene. With that growth, we’ve seen different skill-sets, approaches and quality levels emerge among penetration-testing professionals.

That has made assessing the level of penetration testing service you either consume or deliver a complex task. But, there are patterns and practices that are noticeably present within the highest level of black-belt penetration testers.

This person, by virtue, takes care of delivering more impact by their act of testing, and not just showing off their level of technical skill. He or she takes care of the most important aspects of pentesting – bringing crucial issues and items to light and giving decision makers the tools they need to choose what to invest in.



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