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India wants its banks to upgrade ATMs still running Windows XP

posted onJune 26, 2018
by l33tdawg

India's banking system seems woefully obsolete when it comes to the technology powering its various appliances, and the country's central bank has had enough. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) gave local banks a year's time to get some basic security measures in place at ATMs across the country, and to upgrade those machines still running on Windows XP.

Microsoft may be willing to offer extended custom support for older versions of its OS for those who need it - and are willing to pay - but XP is now nearing its 17th birthday, and reached end of support more than five years ago.

The operating system's age, and its proliferation among banks, has prompted the Reserve Bank to ask banks to submit upgrade paths to it before, but private banks seem to have been dragging their feet. As a result, the government body has decided to take a stern approach and issued a hard deadline for banks to upgrade ATMs running Windows XP: June 2019.



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