Hacking an AUX Port for a Google Home Mini
Even if you don’t want to add an AUX audio output port to your Google Home Mini, you’ll still want to see a pair of videos from [SnekTek]. After all, you’ll eventually want to open it up, and putting it over some boiling water might not have been your first idea. You can see both videos, below.
However, he did want to add an AUX port. The biggest challenge was finding a place to put the connector. Even after identifying a likely spot, a bolt interfered with the case closing and so he removed it. The one bolt didn’t seem to bother the final result.
Electrically, he found that to keep the AUX out to about 1V, he needed a reduction in voltage. Two small resistors put right in the speaker line took care of that. Although, be sure to watch the second video if you plan to recreate this hack since the value of the resistors changed.