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Google Chrome vows to carpet bomb meddling Windows antivirus tools

posted onNovember 30, 2017
by l33tdawg

By mid-2018 Google Chrome will no longer allow outside applications – cough, cough, antivirus packages – to run code within the browser on Windows.

This is according to a post today on the Chromium blog that laid out the July release of Chrome 68 for Windows as the target for new rules that will block all third-party apps from injecting scripts into browser sessions.

The idea, explained the Chocolate Factory, is to cut down on stability issues that arise when Chrome lets other apps execute code that can be buggy or incompatible with other software.

"Roughly two-thirds of Windows Chrome users have other applications on their machines that interact with Chrome, such as accessibility or antivirus software," said Chrome stability team member Chris Hamilton.


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