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Researchers Have Devised a Way to Charge Smartphones With Ambient Light

posted onNovember 12, 2017
by l33tdawg

These days, we use our cell phones for a lot more than just making calls. Smartphones have become essential tools for monitoring our health, interacting with our vehicles, and entering the world of augmented reality.

But these expanded smartphone functions have brought with them the need for us to find new ways to keep our cell phones charged. Recently, some have attempted to power smartphones through wireless power transmission or by capturing the kinetic energy of the user’s movements.  Now, researchers have devised a method to charge cell phones with ambient light.

Scientists at Dracula Technologies, a French solar energy company, have developed “LAYER” technology — short for “Light As Your Energetic Response.” Essentially, LAYERs are thin, flexible solar cells that can be manufactured using an inkjet printer.



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