ZeroBin - Encrypted alternative to Pastebin
Developer Seb Sauvage has released the first public version of ZeroBin, an open source alternative to Pastebin. ZeroBin allows users to post text snippets anonymously and then send a link to the pasted file to other users. In contrast to Pastebin, it supports client side encryption of posted files (using 256-bit AES) which means the server retains no knowledge of the information being stored. Users can also easily clone existing "pastes" on the site.
Installing ZeroBin doesn't require a database and the system can store content up to 2MB per snippet. The developer is currently working to add user authentication and syntax highlighting. ZeroBin runs on PHP 5.2.6 or above and needs JavaScript enabled at the client end to work correctly.
Sauvage says that server administrators cannot moderate the snippets being stored and should "hopefully" be legally protected by the client-side encryption as they have no way of knowing what is being stored by the system. He provides an instance of the software for interested parties to test, but warns that any content stored on that site will be regularly deleted.