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World's first on-device mobile intrusion prevention system

posted onFebruary 27, 2013
by l33tdawg

With RSA and Mobile World Congress going on, when you go to conference do you use Wi-Fi? Whether it is a conference, or simply taking advantage of a coffee shop or airport hot spot, if you leave your phone enabled to connect wirelessly, then it is too easy for a hacker to hijack your connection with a WiFi Pineapple, Firesheep, or plant another “hot spot” router to which you automatically connect. Hello man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack! At Black Hat, I watched hundreds of “security-minded” people get their connections hijacked by Itzhak "Zuk" Avraham, otherwise known as @ihackbanme. Instead of doing something nasty to the smartphone, like redirecting it to a site tainted with malware, Zuk, founder and CEO of Zimperium, helped raise the awareness of even security pros about how hijacking can happen in instant.

“With the recent reports of attacks on Microsoft, Apple, Facebook and NY Times, it further demonstrates that everyone is a target. Mobile devices have become a lucrative asset to hackers due to BYOD unmanaged security,” stated Zuk. "‘Bring Your Own device’ (BYOD) in the workplace continues to rise, without a foreseeable change of direction in sight. It is estimated that 81% of employees now use at least one mobile device for their work-related tasks. This trend exposes enterprises to a host of security risks which can’t be ignored, yet most organizations have not even begun to address these risks.”



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