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Windows 8.1 Update 1 leaked build reveals revamped Disk Space feature

posted onFebruary 6, 2014
by l33tdawg

While we have reported that the upcoming Windows 8.1 Update 1 will offer users better access to the OS with a keyboard and mouse configuration, there will apparently be some improvements for touchscreen-based PC owners as well. Winsupersite has found a revamped Disk Space feature in the recently leaked build of Update 1 that should make it easier for users to manage their Modern apps and storage space with a touch-oriented UI.

The Disk Space feature, which the report says will be available by accessing PC Settings, and then PC and Devices, shows how much storage space is available on the computer at the top. Below that indicator are three menu choices. The first shows the total amount of storage space that's being taken up by Modern UI apps, with a "See my app sizes" link. Pressing or clicking on that link takes the user to the App Sizes utility where each app can be uninstalled, if need be, to free up more storage space.



Microsoft Windows

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