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Windows 8 deemed a threat to Chinese national security

posted onJune 6, 2014
by l33tdawg

It’s fair to say China isn’t a fan of Windows 8. A few weeks ago, the tiled OS was banned from Chinese government computers, as part of a notice on the use of energy-saving products (if this sounds a bit vague, that’s because the reason given is).

Then, if that wasn’t bad enough news for Microsoft, a state-backed news report broadcast on China's CCTV has really put the boot in, branding the operating system a threat to China's cybersecurity, and suggesting it is being used to spy on Chinese citizens.

In a telephone interview, Prof Yang Min of Fudan University stated that the closed nature of Windows 8 posed a threat to the nation's cybersecurity efforts. "Microsoft would no longer open its Windows 8 source code to the Chinese government," he said. "However, the security scheme of the operating system is designed to provide better access for Microsoft to users' database. For China it’s a big challenge on our information security".



Microsoft China Windows

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