WiFi at 25 Races Ahead with 802.11ax
It was 25 years ago, when the 802.11 WiFi specifications were first defined, back in 1997. Since then WiFi has helped to reshape the world we live in, making pervasive wireless data connectivity the norm and giving birth to a new era of mobility and connectivity.
Adrian Stephens, chair of the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Working Group explained to Enterprise Networking Planet that the IEEE is a standards body where natural competitors come together.
"Standards enable markets," Stephens said. Stephens noted that 25 years ago, it was impossible to predict the impact that the 802.11 WiFi standard would have on the world. While WiFi has largely been a success, over the years there have been some small hiccups, including the 802.11n rollout which had multiple vendors rush to market in pre-standard implementations.