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Warning of malicious e-cards

posted onDecember 18, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Source: BBC

L33tdawg: Remember to update your anti virus definition files and be a little more paranoid when checking your e-mails.

People are being warned to watch out for computer viruses which could be hidden in electronic Christmas cards.
Anti-virus software companies say most computer users can expect to receive a flood of e-mails during the festive season.

"Just be vigilant," said Andrew Armstrong, general manager of anti-virus firm Trend Micro, "because you'll be getting e-mails with Christmas cards in or with attachments and they could potentially be a virus."

"You need to make sure that if you receive anything unsolicited with an attachment and you don't recognise it, be very careful with it," he said. "Don't open it.

"You can get online checkers that will check your system for viruses and you should also look at putting some anti-virus software on to your home computer."




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