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Wannabe Xbox One Hackers Are Actually Just Troll Bait

posted onDecember 11, 2013
by l33tdawg

No matter how many times it happens, some people never learn. Let's say it again, all together: Hacks that sound too good to be true are, in all likeliness, too good to be true.

The latest prank to dupe gadget enthusiasts has targeted Xbox fans who are clearly a little overexcited in their delight at owning the new Xbox One console, or perhaps in their dismay that it doesn't quite do everything they want it to. Eager to make the most of their machines, they've been following a hack to supposedly "unlock" their console so it's compatible with earlier games—and destroying their new toys in the process.

The hoax started with the notorious internet pranksters 4chan (who else?) when a user posted a set of instructions that spread across the message boards. They wrote that entering a variation on the Konami code, switching around a few settings, and pressing reset would make the Xbox One able to play games from its predecessor, the Xbox 360. But according to news reports, this sequence actually sends the console into a continual reboot loop, which turns the $450 gaming centre into little more than a $450 box.



XBox Microsoft

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