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Use your iPhone to store your keys in the cloud

posted onAugust 13, 2013
by l33tdawg

There's few things worse that losing your keys or getting locked out of a building. A New York City startup aims to solve this problem with a digital photo of your keys stored in the cloud.

Enter KeyMe, an ingenious service and iOS app (free, App Store*) that allows you to take photos of your keys using your iPhone's camera and store them securely in the cloud. Once your "keys" are stored with KeyMe, you can make copies any time.

(*The service is exclusive to iOS at present but Android and Windows Phone users interested in the service can joing the KeyMe email list.) It's the cloud part that makes KeyMe shine. When your keys are in the cloud you can easily send a secure digital copy to a relative or friend that's coming to take care of your pets (or plants). Same goes with rental properties.



iPhone cloud Apple Security

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