Spammer Gets Recognition
Source: Opt-In News
While staying at home in Tampa Bay, Florida with her two children, Laura Betterly claims she will make $200,000.00 this year by sending commercial email messages to millions. According to Betterly her company offers permission-based email because they allow subscribers to unsubscribe. Her belief is that this option makes the practice legitimate.
From most of the research and dialog presented it appears that Betterly possesses a misconceived notion of what permission-based or "opt-in" actually means. The sources of her lists are primarily defunct dot coms. Her company then purchases the email lists and depending on the details around this type of acquisition probably making them no longer permission-based.
"The proper definition of Spam is commercial e-mail. If sending any commercial email is Spam...than you can call me the Spam Queen, " said Betterly in an NPR interview. Betterly is the owner of Data Resource Consulting Inc, a Tampa Bay Florida-based company.
Ms. Betterly's messages joined the two billion other unsolicited commercial e-mails that fill in-boxes each day. Data Resource Consulting Inc., sends up to 60 million such messages a month and Betterly can send a half million messages by the stroke of a keyboard key. Her company focuses mainly on small business with small budgets.