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Sony Exec Calls PlayStation Network Hack 'A Great Experience'

posted onJuly 14, 2011
by l33tdawg

The president of Sony Network Entertainment called the four-week outage of the PlayStation Network a "great experience," he said Wednesday. Moreover, he said that sales have been "better than ever".

Tim Schaaff, the president of Sony Network Entertainment sat down with VentureBeat executive editor Dylan Tweney on Wednesday for a wide-ranging chat at the MobileBeat conference here. Tweney asked Schaaff how Sony had recovered from the outage, which dominated headlines for weeks.

"We're back online, everything's live again around the world, and the amazing thing through all of this is that the customers have all come back, and network performance is better than ever, sales are better than ever, and we've been very, very pleasantly surprised by the experience," Schaaff said. "And we're in a place where we're really looking forward again to what's next, what's new, and how we can keep growing the network. It's a pretty crazy event that we went through but we survived, and we're back strong, and ready to go."



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