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Should ISPs cut off bot-infected users?

posted onOctober 5, 2010
by hitbsecnews

There's no doubt that botnets are a major threat to the safety and stability of the internet -- not to mention the cleanliness of your inbox. After years of failure to act, could we finally be seeing ISPs waking up to their responsibilities? Let's take The Long View...

Botnets are a major source of spam, denial-of-service attacks, and other net nasties. For several years, I and others have advocated a more aggressive approach to fighting botnets.

While ISPs can't prevent users getting infected with bots, they are in a superb position to detect the signs of infection. Once an ISP has detected that a user is infected, they can ensure that the problem gets fixed -- remediated, as we jargonistas love to say.




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