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Self-Healing Networks for Today’s Enterprise

posted onOctober 19, 2010
by hitbsecnews

Today’s enterprise networks exist in a precarious position. The threats from hackers, crackers, organized crime, viruses, worms and malware have grown in number and sophistication, casting a plaque upon the IT professionals charged with defending and maintaining the network.

The first step to establish a strong network security program is to create a strategic plan for the enterprise. At Cimcor, we typically recommend that our customers partner with a respected managed security services provider (MSSP) or consultancy to outline needs and then assess which methodologies and commercially-proven technologies best align.

Even with a rock solid plan in place, CISOs, CIOs, CTOs and other IT workers recognize that no network is immune to the impact of cyberattacks. It’s the ability to self-heal that will often ensure the viability and sustainability of the network. For instance, if a hacker altered some of the business logic on an e-commerce Web-server, the results could be disastrous. Customers may be charged incorrect amounts, proprietary information could be stolen, customer trust would be shaken. Ultimately, the company could be responsible for fines and other legal consequences and fees.




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