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Security and Internet Issues for US Businesses

posted onSeptember 4, 2001
by hitbsecnews

According to a May 2001 survey from N2H2, Inc., 31% of US companies say their biggest internet-related problem is security. Another 21% cite bandwidth as a major issue and only 5% think reliability is an issue.

L33tdawg: More charts attached.

N2H2 questioned 367 US information systems (IS) executives in May 2001 and found that in terms of basic guidelines for employee internet usage, 28% of companies say it is fine to use the 'net at work as long as it does not interfere with performance. 76% of companies have written policies for appropriate usage and 26% say that personal usage is fine during work breaks or after working hours.

Computer security is still an issue for companies online or planning to go online. To address the issue, businesses will need to purchase the appropriate protective technology.

eMarketer's ePrivacy & Security Report presents information from a number of sources regarding worldwide computer security spending. Though the Yankee Group and Prudential Securities estimate that the worldwide security market will amount to roughly $6 billion in 2001, Datamonitor estimates the market will total $10.6 billion this year.




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