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Scientists Prove Uncrackable Quantum Concept

posted onAugust 21, 2008
by hitbsecnews

Some mind-blowingly smart scientists from the University of Michigan, US Naval Research Lab, and the University of California at San Diego, have figured out how to use lasers to trap an electron in a dark state. That means lots of things, but from a security standpoint, it also means computers based on quantum technology would be uncrackable by conventional machines.

"The National Security Agency has said that based on our present technology, we have about a 20-year window of security," explained UM physics professor Duncan Steele. "That means if we sent up a satellite today, it would take somebody about 20 years to crack the code. Quantum computers will let you develop a code that would be impossible to crack with a conventional computer."

Steel and colleagues were able to create a quantum state of a solid-state quantum bit (qubit) at rates of a billion times per second (one gigahertz). Conventional computing requires a bit to be either a 0 or 1, but a qubit can be both simultaneously.




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