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Samsung has its own AI-designed chip. Soon, others will too

posted onAugust 16, 2021
by l33tdawg
Credit: Arstechnica

Samsung is using artificial intelligence to automate the insanely complex and subtle process of designing cutting-edge computer chips.

The South Korean giant is one of the first chipmakers to use AI to create its chips. Samsung is using AI features in new software from Synopsys, a leading chip design software firm used by many companies. “What you’re seeing here is the first of a real commercial processor design with AI,” says Aart de Geus, the chairman and co-CEO of Synopsys.

Others, including Google and Nvidia, have talked about designing chips with AI. But Synopsys’ tool, called, may prove the most far-reaching because Synopsys works with dozens of companies. The tool has the potential to accelerate semiconductor development and unlock novel chip designs, according to industry watchers. Synopsys has another valuable asset for crafting AI-designed chips: years of cutting-edge semiconductor designs that can be used to train an AI algorithm.




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