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Orbotix to give hackers and researchers robotics crash course at HITB #Haxpo

posted onMay 7, 2014
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: Don't forget to sign up for a chance to win your own Sphero when you visit HITB Haxpo!

Orbotix will be at HITB Haxpo at the end of May to give engineers, researchers and hackers a crash course on how they can help inspire the next generation of kids using robotics. In addition there'll be daily giveaways on social media and also prizes for HackWEEKDAY developers! 

Orbotix’s first robot, Sphero, was built to grow with children. Kids start by learning shapes and colors using the application Draw-N-Drive, advancing all the way up to programing with Sphero’s 14 software developer kits and Low-Level API (application programing interface) documentation.



HITB Haxpo Amsterdam Netherlands Hardware Sphero Orbotix

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