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Oracle software vulnerability exposed

posted onJuly 8, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Researchers have found a security hole in Oracle's 8i database program that could let an
outside attacker take over the software and--in the case of a Windows computer--the entire

Researchers at Covert Labs, part of Network Associates' PGP Security group, discovered the
vulnerability and ranked its risk as "high." Oracle has acknowledged the problem, fixed it in the
newest 9i version of its software and issued a patch for the earlier releases.

"This is a pretty significant vulnerability for Oracle users," said Jim Magdych, security research
manager for PGP Security.

The problem occurs in a part
of Oracle's database software
called the "listener," which
handles communications
between people using the
database and the database
itself, Magdych said. The
attack works by sending more
information than the software
expects, a process called a
"buffer overrun."

In a buffer overrun attack, the
extra characters are written
into the computer's memory. A
clever attacker can place
commands in just the right
patch of memory to make the
computer's chip run a
program that can be used to
give access to the attacker,
Magdych said.

What the attacker does next varies according to what type of system has been compromised. In the
case of the Oracle security hole, the attacker would have access privileges to the database itself,
granting him permission to view or change any information in the database.

Oracle runs with very broad powers on a Windows system, so an attacker there would have
complete control over the system, Magdych said. Oracle has narrower powers running under the
Unix operating system, but the Oracle permission would be a useful foot in the door for further
attacks that could lead to complete control, he said.

Covert Labs has a staff of about six scouring software commonly used on the Internet, Magdych
said. Earlier this year, the team discovered several serious problems with Berkeley Internet Name
Domain (BIND), widely-used software that links a computer's numerical Internet address with its





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